

This event is unlike any other clinic or seminar. SummerStrong is unique in that its purpose and vision is to allow, and in fact, urge experts and recreational athletes to share and learn from one another, regardless of perceived level or experience. We realized long ago that the best training information was not always being conveyed at a sterile conference with hundreds of chairs, dark lights, and power points. Rather, it was in noisy, sweaty weight rooms, under a bar, chalk in the air, with ALL senses heightened. The golden nuggets of training info that changed our athletic careers were usually learned over a beer with strength peers away from the conference halls. It was learn-by-doing, and feeling the other person's passion for strength and performance enhancement. We were able to learn the backstory of coaches and athletes, and, most importantly, discover the stuff NOT written on the workouts.

CEU’s will be announced soon.